The team colours are blue, green and white... and I just have to point out here that they seriously have the best looking uniforms in the whole league. I might be biased, but seriously... look at them:

Luuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! (if you're a Vancouver fan or have ever watched a Vancouver game, you'll get that...)
Seriously beautiful jerseys!! So I decided since playoff time is coming up, I needed to practice a makeup look that payed homage to my team! (obviously).

I love how it turned out! The green was spot on! It's a liiittle washed out here, you know how that goes with photographing brights... it always looks more vivid IRL. The only thing I'm gonna tweak next time is the blue. I felt like this was a little too light compared to the real Canucks blue... but I swatched and mixed some shades on the back of my hand afterwards and found the perfect bright but dark blue that I'll use next time!
Bonus - I made a new icon to use at MUT with this makeup:

[...] was my makeup I wore for one of the games last week, team colours whoo! I showed one style of Canucks makeup I did a while back at the beginning of the playoffs, this is another variation on [...]